Be a closer.

How do you stay on top in a world of massive competition and continual innovation? By mastering the sales process. One sale to the right customer at the right time can be the difference between business success and failure. Don’t just break even. Go beyond with a solid understanding of the fundamentals and methodology of sales. We’ll be your guide.

  • Shift your mindset and think like a customer.
  • Boost your daily productivity.
  • Create a pipeline of quality leads.
  • Learn how to close more sales.

Our in-house sales gurus will give you the tools and training on how sell your products or services. We’ll do a deep dive into your business model, exposing missed opportunities and using our outside-looking-in perspective to recommend strategies for long and short sales cycles. We’ll even help you increase upsells and cross-selling revenue.

Weatherproof your business against the storm.

Recession, inflation, seasons, trends, pandemic…these are challenges faced by every single business owner. What separates the winners from the losers is the ability to develop a solid sales funnel for the long haul. Showcase the real value of your products and services, no matter what the economy is doing, and skillfully maneuver around objections. It’s possible with Propel.

Make it rain.

Start the conversation.

Say hello