Woman Checks Email on Her Computer and Shows the Benefits of a Professional Email and Website in Securing Business Credit and Small Business Funding

The Importance of a Business Website & Professional Email Address

By: Adam Bronson and Aja Moon

Having a business website and business email address is essential for many reasons. We want to address in this article the importance of those reasons regarding your business credit profile.

Why would I need a business website or business email address?

First and foremost, you need a business website and email address for your business to appear credible to lenders. Your social media, business email address, and online presence should align with your business website for the same reason. Bonus points if you optimize all the functions of your site for mobile.

Having a professional business email address for you and your employees builds the image of your business for banks or lenders looking at your loan applications. Your email address should match the name you are using to operate your business as closely as possible. Register a domain name, email address, and anything else to look as established as possible. Something to note is that including your initials or name in the business name and business email address legitimizes and strengthens your affiliation and involvement in your business.

Is a website necessary?

When it comes to any credible lender, they will require your web address to qualify your company as creditworthy. Lenders consider factors like whether or not your name appears in the URL. You must have a website to appear legitimate and qualify for funding. Even if the site is purely for obtaining funding, that is all it needs to be.

Customers and lenders use your website to compare your company to your industry peers, so a well-made site is never a bad investment. Need some help? We can audit your site to ensure your business appears fundable and that your customers can navigate your services and products. On top of lending, this helps the overall image of your business in the eyes of your customers.

Propel is available to help you create as much impact and influence when trying to win a customer base, secure a bank line of credit, or help make you as public as possible in your credit bureau profiles. We can help you set up or refine your current website and online presence. Just give us a shout!