Business Credit Guru Adam Bronson, standing in front of an office team, can help your small business raise funds and get approved for loans.

Meet Adam, Our Business Credit and Sales Guru

By: Ryan Philips

Adam got into banking and bank ratings long ago, when he was just starting out in real estate investing by flipping houses. In a short period, he had accrued a $30k balance in his bank account – and the bank contacted him to offer a $300k line of credit. Overjoyed, Adam shuffled off to the bank to sign the paperwork. Before putting pen to paper, he asked: Why? Why had he qualified for this loan in the first place?

The bank explained that, because he had maintained an average account balance of $30k over 12 months, he was deemed worthy for extended credit. He pressed to learn even more and to uncover these unspoken qualifying factors. Over the years, he’s turned first-hand experience and lots and lots of questions into a tremendous repository of knowledge on how to leverage banks to do more with money.

Adam was glad when he first asked the questions, then he got mad – if he had known about these parameters to begin with, he could have borrowed other money to fix a property instead of using his profit, so the line of credit offered would have been exponentially more. More money and credit enables more business to happen and more profit to be made. How could banks keep these insights a secret?

He vowed to help small business owners and CEOs leverage the tips and tricks he’s learned to put banks to work for them. Adam’s been a backbone of the Propel small business incubator team since the very beginning – teaching strategies to play big and reap the highest reward. For over two decades, he’s empowered decision makers with the tools and know-how needed to level the playing field against banks. He loves helping businesses generate massive increases in revenue through easy-to-implement sales strategies and simple credit structures.

When he’s not thinking about business, sales, and credit, you’ll find Adam on the pickleball court or on a hike. There’s nothing like a little physical challenge to clear and refocus the mind on helping Propel customers take giant leaps forward!