Businesswoman presents customer with print collateral to close a sale.

Is Print Collateral Dead?

By: Ryan Philips

In the highly competitive world of business, standing out from the crowd is essential for success. One way to achieve this is by having good business collateral – not just good, but better collateral than your competitor. After all, making a first impression, and making the best impression, can seal the deal on a sale or partnership. If not, you could be sending your customers running for ‘the other guy.’

Business collateral refers to the various materials and assets that a company uses to promote its brand, products, and services. These print assets can include brochures, business cards, stationery, presentations, slick sheets, and more. But in the age of the internet, where anything can be sent and received in an instant, is print collateral dead? Do people use or value a hardcopy piece of paper anymore? Let’s explore the importance of having good business collateral and how it can benefit your company.

First and foremost, good business collateral helps create a professional and credible image for your company. When you present potential clients or customers with high-quality materials, it reflects positively on your brand. Professionally designed brochures, for example, demonstrate that you pay attention to detail and take pride in your work. This instills confidence in your target audience and can lead to increased trust and credibility for your business.

Furthermore, good business collateral plays a vital role in effective communication. These materials act as a bridge between your company and your target audience, conveying important information about your products or services. With well-designed brochures, you can highlight the key features and benefits of your offerings in a visually appealing manner – making it easy for customers to find the information they need and take the desired action.

Even better? Print collateral is always on hand. Unlike a webpage or a forgotten URL, business cards and brochures tend to stick around, becoming easy references when the mood to buy strikes. Just think: Do you have the business card of a handyman lying around your house? Do you have the menu to your favorite take-out restaurant? There’s real value to having your business’ print collateral at the ready.

The look, the feel, the tone – make print collateral do the work for you.

A crucial aspect of good business collateral is consistency. Consistency in design, messaging, and branding across all your materials helps build brand recognition and reinforces your identity in the minds of your customers. When your business collateral shares a consistent look and feel, it becomes easier for people to associate it with your company. This consistency also helps create a sense of professionalism and reliability, as customers know what to expect from your brand.

Moreover, good business collateral can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. Well-designed materials can grab attention, make a lasting impression, and generate interest in your products or services. For instance, a visually appealing brochure or flyer can attract potential customers at trade shows or networking events. A tasteful business card can stay in a potential customer’s wallet or desk for years. Effective marketing collateral can be a powerful tool in attracting new customers and expanding your business.

Additionally, having good business collateral demonstrates that you value your customers and are invested in their experience. When you invest in professionally designed print materials, you show that you care about presenting your brand in the best possible light. This attention to detail can leave a positive impression on your customers and foster long-term relationships. High-quality collateral can also serve as a valuable resource for your existing customers, providing them with useful information and reinforcing their decision to choose your company.

That’s why having good business collateral is of utmost importance for any company striving for success. It creates a professional and credible image, facilitates effective communication, ensures consistency, enhances marketing efforts, and shows a commitment to customer satisfaction. By investing in well-designed print materials, you can strengthen your brand, stand out from the competition, and leave a lasting impression on your target audience. So, make sure to prioritize good business collateral as an integral part of your overall marketing strategy. It’s not dead – and it just might be your secret weapon.