Man dances in an office setting, clearly communicating in a different tone than his fellow small business employees

How to Set the Right Tone for Your Brand

By: Ryan Philips

We all know that effective communication is crucial in any business setting, but how do you set the right tone? The tone of your business communication can significantly impact how your message is received and interpreted by your audience. A well-chosen tone can help you build strong relationships with clients, partners, and colleagues. On the other hand, the wrong tone can lead to misunderstandings and even damage to your reputation. That’s why it’s so crucial to select the right tone for business communication. After all, it helps create your brand’s personality in the mind of customers. Here’s how to do it right.

Understand Your Audience

The first step in selecting the right tone for business communication is to understand your audience. Your tone will depend on who you are communicating with, what their expectations are, and what their communication style is. For instance, if you are communicating with a client who prefers a formal tone, then you should use a more professional tone. On the other hand, if you are communicating with a younger customer or have a more youthful brand, then a more laid back, casual tone might be appropriate.

Consider the Purpose of Your Message

The tone you choose should also be based on the purpose of your message. Are you delivering good news, bad news, or simply providing information? If you are delivering bad news, then a compassionate tone can help soften the blow. On the other hand, if you are delivering good news, then an enthusiastic tone can help convey your excitement.

Match Your Tone to Your Brand

Your brand identity should also inform the tone you use in your business communication. Your tone should match your brand voice, which is the personality you want to convey to your audience. For instance, if your brand is known for being playful and whimsical, then your tone should reflect that. Are you a medical provider or law firm? You’ll want to be more formal and direct. Think of the differences in the ways that Apple and Tylenol, both household brand names, communicate. It would be incongruous if they suddenly adopted the communication styles and tone of the other.

Avoid Jargon and Slang

Using jargon and slang can be confusing to your audience and make you come across as unprofessional. Instead, use clear and concise language that everyone can understand. If you need to use technical terms, make sure you explain them in simple terms. Of course, if your audience is very niche and you are able to reach them in very tailored media, then industry jargon and acronyms might set you apart as a business that “gets it” and knows their unique pain points.

Be Mindful of Your Tone in Written Communication

In written communication, it can be difficult to convey tone without body language and facial expressions. Therefore, it’s essential to choose your words carefully. Avoid using all caps or exclamation marks, as these can be perceived as shouting – unless you want to shout! Also, be careful with humor and sarcasm, as they can be misinterpreted and don’t always translate well across cultures or different consumer segments.

Selecting the right tone for business communication is essential to building strong relationships with clients, customers, employees, partners, and colleagues. To choose the right tone, you need to understand your audience, consider the purpose of your message, match your tone to your brand, avoid jargon and slang (mostly), and be mindful of your tone in written communication. With these tips, you can effectively communicate with your audience and convey your message in a way that is clear, professional, and in the perfect tone.