Small business owner confronts challenges of CTA requirements

Compliance Challenges for Businesses Under the Corporate Transparency Act

By: Ryan Philips

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) introduces new compliance requirements for businesses, particularly regarding the disclosure of beneficial ownership information. While the Act aims to enhance transparency and prevent financial crimes, it also presents several challenges for businesses striving to comply.

Identifying Beneficial Owners

One of the primary challenges businesses face is accurately identifying their beneficial owners. The CTA defines a beneficial owner as an individual who exercises substantial control over the entity or owns at least 25% of the ownership interests. However, in complex corporate structures with multiple layers of ownership, pinpointing who meets these criteria can be difficult. Companies must develop robust procedures to trace ownership and control through various levels of entities.

Data Collection & Verification

Once beneficial owners are identified, businesses must collect and verify detailed information, including names, birth dates, addresses, and identification numbers. Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of this data is crucial to avoid penalties. Companies need to implement reliable systems for data collection and verification, which may require significant investment in compliance infrastructure and training.

Ongoing Reporting Obligations

The CTA requires businesses to file initial reports with FinCEN and update these reports whenever there are changes in beneficial ownership. This means businesses must establish ongoing monitoring processes to track changes in ownership and control. Keeping up with these reporting obligations can be resource-intensive, especially for smaller companies with limited compliance capabilities.

Confidentiality Concerns

Businesses may also have concerns about the confidentiality of the information they submit. Although FinCEN is tasked with safeguarding this data, the sensitivity of beneficial ownership information means that companies must trust that their disclosures will not be improperly accessed or used. Ensuring data security and addressing privacy concerns are vital for maintaining business confidence in the reporting system.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with the CTA’s requirements can result in significant penalties, including fines and possible criminal charges. The potential for severe consequences makes it imperative for businesses to prioritize compliance and seek legal and regulatory guidance as needed.

While the Corporate Transparency Act aims to enhance financial transparency and combat illicit activities, it also presents several compliance challenges for businesses. By implementing robust procedures for identifying beneficial owners, ensuring accurate data collection, and maintaining ongoing reporting, companies can navigate these challenges and fulfill their obligations under the CTA. Even better? Propel can help! Avoid costly fines and legal risks with our total FinCEN compliance solution.