
Our #1 Strategy for Small Business Success

By: Lidia Hartle
At Propel, we’re often asked, “What’s the #1 tip you have for small businesses as they look to grow and expand?” The answer is simple: Focus on what you do best and let Propel handle the rest. You have enough to worry about while getting your products and services to market. You don’t need to si...

What Does ‘Back Office’ Mean in Business?

By: Zara Haddad
You may have heard the term "back office" bandied about the water cooler or in discussions about business roles and responsibilities, hinting at a crucial aspect of organizational functioning. But what exactly does "back office" mean in business, and what role does it play in the overall framewo...

The Power of Personalization: Asking Your Customer’s Name

By: Zara Haddad
In the dynamic world of retail, where transactions often occur in the blink of an eye, and customers come and go like a revolving door, the simple act of asking for a customer's name can have a profound impact on the overall shopping experience. Beyond mere formality, this small gesture holds th...